ETVFD Participates in Memorial Day Parade
By ETVFD Watchdesk
May 29, 2023

The ETVFD participated in the annual Exeter Township Memorial Day Parade. This is a day that department members look forward to all year and is truly a family event. While several marched in the parade, the children of the members rode on a decorated float and threw candy to spectators. The parade started at the high school and went to the Forest Hills Cemetery. After the parade there was a brief memorial service at the cemetery.

An open house followed at our Reiffton Station which was open to the public. Many of the fire agencies who attended the parade came back for refreshments and fellowship. A good time was had by all.

We would like to thank Tracey Fox, Turkey Hill, Wawa and Weis for the donations supporting our open house today.


Narita May 29, 2023 at 10:13 PM
Thank you to everyone for doing a great job. You are appreciated.